Dear friends of Empatthy, thank you for this 2019!
2019 has come to an end full of great learnings and marked by the people, foundations, families and companies that chose Empatthy to move forward in the practice of strategic philanthropy and social investment to generate more and a better positive impact in social and environmental level, which It is what is so urgent in Chile today.
As this year many more institutions and clients trusted our work by choosing us, we were able to achieve great goals, which we want to share today:
- We co-organize events together with Banco de Chile, SocialxChage, Double Impact, Implementa Sur, Goveranart, UNEP Finance Initiative, Her Global Impact, Silvia Bueso and many more allies with whom we achieve a beautiful collaborative work.We launched ” El arte de pedir” in Chile with workshops for more than 100 foundations taught in Santiago and regions.
- We share experiences and knowledge with two new seasons of our podcast “Empatía que impacta ” with El Líbero.
- We participate in important social and environmental meetings: in Jamaica with Wings, in Miami with the Council of Foundations, in Merida with the BMW Foundation and in Buenos Aires with the GSG.
- We close this 2019 stronger, consolidated and eager to expand in other countries, because as a team we are inspired and excited to continue working and strengthening impact investments in Chile and the world.
Our country has great challenges for 2020 and our purpose is to be an element of contribution in that process, through our experience, our knowledge and because part of our essence is to build a better country. We hope that next year will be accompanied by peace, achievements and goals, but above all it will be a year where we continue to work together for a Chile, a world and a better planet for all.
Empatthy, Empatía que impacta!