“Unid@s X Todas”


Public-private collaboration:

It is an initiative of a group of women from different social organizations created #Portodas,
public-private multisectoral articulation, to reinforce the
social fabric and her first project is to help neighborhood leaders of La Pintana in
making food for vulnerable families.

The importance of strengthening the social fabric in Chile was reflected in the discussion
(webinar) organized by Conecta Más Fiis, which addressed this social project “Ollas
Common ”.
According to data collected by Chile Mujeres, 42.2% of households are led by
female heads of households, who have to make their provider roles compatible
economic, housewife, mother, among other functions. And recently the micro center
data reported that 8 out of 10 women who have lost their jobs, stop looking
job. Data that reflects promoting public policies aimed at gender equality.
Daniela Madrid, coordinator of Ollas Comunes, and Rosa participated in the conversation
Wood, social entrepreneur and part of #Portodas, who explained how it was created
this collaboration and the importance it has had for the families of La Pintana, where
Through relationships with people and the strengthening of trust, detected other problems that are affecting women. Daniela Madrid explained that they currently have 12 common pots in different sectors of La Pintana feeding more than 2,800 people, reflecting the need to generate this type of articulation initiatives that allow the help of efficiently. “For years, neighborhood leaders organized in headquarters
neighborhoods to look for ways to help our neighbors, however, with the help of #Portodas we realized that we can be more efficient in helping our neighbors. We start with common pots 4 days a week and now we are seven days delivering aid ”. Another aspect that Madrid highlighted is that with this help you think about the whole family which has allowed to know better the reality of each case and allows channeling aid additional for them. “It is not just delivering a lunch, it is supporting them in all aspects of life, we have detected many cases of overcrowding, violence and abuse, among others problematic. The same goes for the neighbors who volunteer to help, many have problems, but are willing to help the rest. This is so much more than a union of women and men, but we become family. ” For her part, Rosa Madera was grateful to be part of this group of women, highlighting the importance of female leadership. “Most social leaders they are women and we detected that the aid they are receiving from the State lacks
from a woman’s perspective. This is how we organize ourselves and think of a Collaboration that goes beyond delivering supplies for lunches. With “Ollas Common ”we started many before meals and we hope it will be a relationship in the long term and expanded to other problems, such as mental health and social support. ” Regarding social investment in Chile, Madera explained that it is necessary to deepen to generate systemic changes. “In the design of the programs that link with the territory is missing and see it from an innovative perspective. We are generating a change so that it does not
understand only from a more top-down look and work closer to the territories, that is, from the bottom up. It should be understood that social investment or investment by impact is more than financial aid, but also time and talent are factors
of equal importance. ”
#For all

For more info write to [email protected]